Understanding Subcontract Commitments

At any time after you assign a contract number to a subcontract account in a detail line on a change request, you can send the subcontract account information to the appropriate contract in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management system. This update process is known as committing the subcontract account. When you commit a subcontract account, you can either update an existing subcontract line or you can create a new subcontract line.

You usually commit a subcontract account after you have moved it through the approval process. You can only send information from the most recent requote.

It is recommended that you commit subcontract information in proof mode before you commit it in final mode. When you commit subcontract information in proof mode, the system generates a report for you to review but does not update any ledgers. After verifying the information and making any necessary changes, you can commit the subcontract in final mode. After you commit in final mode, you cannot make any changes to the subcontract information in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Change Management system.

Before you can send subcontract information in a detail line on a change request to the appropriate supplier subcontract in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management system, you must enter information about the subcontract. When you enter the subcontract information, the system adds information about the subcontract account to the Subcontract Details/Commit form. You can view information about the subcontract account and can commit the subcontract to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management system from the Subcontract Details/Commit form.

You can set a processing option to have the system automatically complete contract information.