Minimum or Maximum Price Adjustment

You can use a minimum or maximum price adjustment to ensure that the system uses the contract prices as the minimum or maximum base price or to ensure that the base price is within the minimum or maximum range. You use the Min Adjustment and Max Adjustment options with the Min/Max Rule field on the Price Adjustment Definition form to ensure that the base price is from the contract or is within the valid range. The sequence of this adjustment on the adjustment schedule also impacts the final price for the product. For example, if the base price is less than the minimum price you set on another price adjustment, then the system uses the minimum price on the contract as the base price. Similarly for maximum pricing, if the base price is greater than the maximum price you set on another price adjustment, then the system uses the maximum price on the contract as the base price. When the system verifies the minimum or maximum price, the system uses this adjustment as the base price on the receipt. You must enter a value of 5 (add-on amount) in the Basis Code field in the price adjustment details as the system does not accept any other value in the Basis Code field for minimum and maximum pricing.