
These processing options control how the system process mass update for contract headers.

1. Contract Header Profile ID

Specify the mass update profile that the Contract Header Mass Update program uses to determine which fields to update.

2. Terminate Associated Grower Harvests

Specify whether the system terminates a grower harvest that is associated with a contract harvest. Use this processing option for either of the following scenarios:

  • You update the status of the contract header to Closed and want to terminate associated grower harvests.

  • You move the end date for a contract header or block for which contract harvest have been created and associated with grower harvests. If you shorten an existing contract, the system deletes all contract harvests outside the contract date range. You should delete the grower harvests associated with deleted contracts.

Values are:

Blank: Do not terminate associated grower harvests.

1: Terminate associated grower harvests.