Setting Up a Mass Update Profile for Contract Blocks

Access the Add/Edit Contract Block Update Profile form.

Contract Block Profile Description

Enter a name for the mass update profile for contract blocks that you are setting up. The system automatically generates a profile ID.

Update Contract Harvest

Select to push contract block updates to contract harvest. If you select this option, enter updated values, and click Save and Close, the system opens the Update Harvest form. On this form, you can select which updates you want to push to the associated contract harvests. The updates you can push from the block to associated harvests include:

  • Commodity.

  • Delivery form.

  • Contracted quantity.

  • Minimum and maximum quantity.

  • Transaction and pricing unit of measure.

  • Pricing adjustment.

  • Price type.

  • Minimum, maximum, and override price.

  • Price level and price group.

  • Memo price and memo price level.

  • Pricing comment.

  • Grower Pool.

  • Equity Type.

  • Equity Percent.

  • POP Payment Terms.

  • POP Pricing Schedule.

Note: If receipts exist for the harvest, the system does not update pay on proceeds information.