Daily Ship Schedule, Delivery Just in Time (862/DELJIT, 866/DELJIT-JS)

Customers used the 862/DELJIT and 866/DELJIT-JS transaction sets to transmit precise shipping schedule and just-in-time schedule requirements to the customer. These transaction supplement the planning schedule transaction set (830)/delivery forecast (DELFOR). The shipping schedule transaction set supersedes certain shipping and delivery information transmitted in a previous planning schedule transaction, but does not replace the 830/DELFOR transaction set. The buyer sends the transaction to the customer. The transaction contains precise delivery sequence and just-in-time schedule requirements.

The buyer or planner informs the customer of:

  • Previously received quantities.

  • Packaging requirements.

  • Requested ship and delivery dates.

Upon receipt of this transaction, the customer can:

  • Plan for future requirements to purchase raw materials for production to fabricate and deliver articles in accordance with the delivery instructions.

  • Know whether the instructions are related to forecast or firm delivery

  • Synchronize the material flow between the buyer and customer.

Additionally, you can use the 866/DELJIT-JS transaction set to:

  • Request the order in which goods arrive at one or more locations.

  • Specify the order you want the goods unloaded from the conveyance method.

  • Specify the sequence in which the goods enter the materials handling process.

  • Specify the sequence in which the goods are consumed in the production process.