Understanding Voucher Processing

Run the Voucher Batch Processor program (R04110Z) to process invoice information. You can run the Voucher Batch Processor program in either proof or final mode. In proof mode, the program edits the transaction and sends any errors to the Employee Work Center. In final mode, the program updates the records in the F0411Z1 table and F0911Z1 table as processed. This action prevents further processing.

After you process and review Inbound EDI Vouchers, you must purge them. Use the Inbound EDI Voucher Purge program (R47041P) to purge Inbound EDI Vouchers. The system holds processed vouchers in the system 47 files until they are purged.

Important: When you purge information the system does not copy the information to a purge table. Instead, the system performs a final deletion.

When you purge Inbound EDI Vouchers, the system removes all processed records from these tables:

  • F47041

  • F47044

  • F47042