Understanding EDI Demand Scheduling Detail Information

EDI demand scheduling detail information focuses on shipping and delivery dates, times, and quantities. You can revise packaging information, supplemental data information, and address contact information. From the Work With EDI Demand Schedule form (W47172C), you can access these forms to revise EDI demand information:

  • EDI Demand Schedule Revisions (W47172D)

  • EDI Demand Packaging Revisions (W47172J)

  • EDI Demand Address Revisions (W47172G)

  • EDI Demand Supplemental Data Revisions (W47172E)

The system uses these tables for processing EDI demand scheduling detail information:

  • F47171

  • F47172

  • F471721

  • F471722

  • F471723

  • F471724

  • F471731