Understanding Ship Notice Information

After running the EDI Advance Ship Notice Extraction program (R47032) to update the EDI ASN tables, you can use the Work With Ship Notice program (P47036) to revise all of the shipment-related information for the ASN. Using this program, you can locate records based on shipments and dates and then revise these types of information:

  • Child records

  • Item information

  • Order information

  • Order totals

  • Shipment information

  • Address information

  • Packaging information

  • Demand addresses

You can also add or delete records as necessary.

The Work With Ship Notice form (W47036C) enables you to navigate to the Work With Ship Notice Details form (W470371A). The details form is another find/browse form that lets you search for even more detailed information to make revisions. The header on the Work With Ship Notice Details form contains the same search fields that are displayed on the Work With Ship Notice form. If you access the details form by using the Work With Ship Notice selection from the Row menu, the system passes the values from the Work With Ship Notice form to the details form and displays them in the header. If you access the details form through the main menu, then the search fields in the header are blank.

If you are not running the extended version of the EDI Advance Ship Notice Extraction program (R47032), the system populates only the EDI Shipping Notice Detail Outbound (F470371) fields, and fields that are related to the F470373 table are disabled.

In addition to revising ASN information that is generated through EDI, you can use the Work With Ship Notice program to create a record at the header level. When you create an ASN record, the system writes information to these tables:

  • F47036

  • F470371

  • F470372

  • F470371T

  • F470373