
These processing options control the default values for order type, as well as task and project status.

1. Enter the Default Order Type

Specify the order type that is used as the default value when you create new tasks on the Project Workbench.

2. Enter the beginning Status for new Tasks

Specify the beginning status that is used as the default value when you create new tasks for nonconfigured items.

3. Enter the beginning Status for Configured Tasks

Specify the beginning status that is used as the default value when you create new tasks for configured orders.

4. Enter the Default 'From Status' of Projects to display

Specify the default value for the From Status filter field on the Work With Projects form.

5. Enter the Default 'Thru Status' of Projects to display

Specify the default value for the Thru Status filter field on the Work With Projects form.

6. Enter the level of nodes to expand on entry

Specify the number of node levels in the project workbench hierarchical grid to expand to when entering Project Workbench. Values are:

Blank: Expand the project workbench to two levels. This is the default value.

Any numeric value: Expand the project workbench to the number of levels indicated. For example, a value of 4 in this field would expand the project workbench to display nodes four levels deep.