Quote Info

Select the Quote Info tab.

Quote Version

Displays a value that uniquely identifies a quote version. During quote calculation, the system creates many quote versions, but you can accept only one version.

Quote Effective From and Quote Effective Thru (quote effective through)

Enter the date range during which the quote is effective. The default value is the current system date.

Estimated Override

Enter a quote amount that is different from the original estimate and that is based on planned or estimated costs. If you enter a value in this field, the system uses this information rather than the original estimate for calculating quote amounts.

An amount that the system budgets for a project phase or task. You complete this field if you want the system to use the estimated amount override.

Margin Percent

Enter the percentage by which you want the system to extend the estimate when calculating the quote amount.

Selected Calc (selected calculation)

Enter 1 to indicate that you want to include the row in the price calculation in the Quote Generation program. If you leave this field blank, the row is not included in the quote generation.

Selected Display

Enter 1 in each row for which you want the system to create a sales quote to indicate that you want the system to create a sales quote line for the row.

This selection also indicates whether the system displays the row with a calculated price in the Online Proposals program (P31P101).

Quote Status

Enter a user-defined code (31P/QP) that indicates the status of a project quote.