Revising Sales Order History

Access the Detail Forecast Revisions form.

Forecast Type

Enter a user-defined code (34/DF) to indicate one of these:

  • The forecasting method used to calculate the numbers displayed about the item.

  • The actual historical information about the item.

Request Date

Enter the date that an item is scheduled to arrive or that an action is scheduled for completion.

Forecast Quantity

Enter the quantity of units forecasted for production during a planning period.

Forecast Amount

Enter the current amount of the forecasted units for a planning period.

Bypass Forcing

Enter a code that indicates whether to bypass the Forecast Forcing program (R34610). A Y indicates that the quantity and amount of a forecast should not be changed by an adjustment made to a forecast higher in the summary hierarchy. This flag is effective only when forecast forcing is done down the summary hierarchy.

Original Quantity

Review the original forecast quantity that you entered in the system. This value cannot be changed.

Original Amount

Review the original forecast amount that you entered in the system. This value cannot be changed.

Note: To purge forecast records, SeePurging Forecast Records