Action Dates

Select the Action Dates tab.

Action Date Code

Enter a UDC (40G/AD) to represent the action that should be taken.


Select to indicate whether the action on the block is recurring. Values are:

  • Selected: The action date is recurring.

  • Clear: The action date is not recurring.

If the action is recurring, you can use the Recurring Number of Days field to calculate the next action date when you close the current action date.

Recurring Number of Days

Enter the number of days the system uses to calculate the next action date if the action is a recurring action. The system adds the number of days that you enter to the current action date to calculate the next action date.

You can also use a processing option to enter a default value for this field. If you do not define a default value and do not enter a value here, the system uses a default value of one day.

Date Required

Enter the date on which the action should be taken.


Select this check box to indicate that the action is closed. If both the Recurring check box and the Closed check box are selected, the system creates a new copy of the Action Date record. The system calculates the new action date by adding the days from the Recurring Number of Days field to the action date that you closed.

For example, you set up a recurring Action Date Code called Till with a Required Date of March 1, 2009. When you select the Closed check box, the system creates a new line by copying the Action Date Code called Till and entering a Date Required that the system calculates based on the closed action date and the recurring number of days.

Date Complete

Enter the date on which the action was completed.

Person Responsible

Enter the address book number of the person who is responsible for completing the action. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the person who adds the action date record as the responsible person.