
Select the General tab.

Material Type and Material Type Description

Enter a code for the material type to define and provide a description.

Summary Material Type

Select a value from UDC table 31B/SM that specifies the parent material type. You can group similar material types under a summary material type. Values are:

C: Culture

CN: Concentrate

F: Fortified Wine

G: Grapes

J: Juice

L: Lees and Scrap

M: Must

S: Spirit

W: Wine

You can define Summary Material Types that are relevant to your business.

Material Type UOM (material type unit of measure)

Select area as the unit of measure for grower material types. The system expects the material to be located on a block of land which is defined in area. Select weight or volume as the unit of measure that is associated with a blend material type. The values are stored in UDC table 31B/MU. Values are:




Material Type Status

Assign a status to the material type. Only active material types can be assigned to blocks.

Material Type Comments

Enter free-form text. This field is typically used to provide a reason for a change.