Harvest Operations

Scheduled harvest operations provide a mechanism for planning a farming activity that potentially incurs considerable costs. By entering harvest operations, you can create a plan that includes information, such as quantity or area to harvest, cut instructions, date and time to harvest, and delivery instructions. In addition, as with other operations, you can assign equipment, resources, and consumables. This information enables you to track associated cost.

To enter harvest operations, you use a configured operation that is defined based on the HARVEST base operation. The vessel class for the harvest operations is always Harvest. The category codes for the base operation designate the harvest operation as a CUT operation. You can associate only one harvest with a harvest operation. However, for every harvest, you can enter multiple scheduled harvest operations. You can select a harvest by accessing the Search and Select Harvests form.

You can enter a scheduled harvest quantity that exceeds the current estimate. In this case, the system issues a warning. However, you do not receive the warning if you change the estimate manually in the harvest.

You can enter a harvest operation for acreage or for a quantity. If you enter an acreage, you can calculate the resulting quantity using the following equation: Harvest Quantity = (Current Estimate/Planted Area) x Harvest Area. If you have entered a scheduled quantity, but decide to recalculate the quantity based on the acreage, you must clear the quantity from the Scheduled Quantity field and then recalculate it based on the acreage.

If you use continuous estimates, the Current Estimate field remains blank and you must enter both the quantity and the area for the operation.

When you enter or revise a harvest operation, the system supports planning by displaying the scheduled, completed, received and remaining harvest quantities. The Schedule Quantity field displays the total of all scheduled harvest quantities that are at a status beyond Draft. The system updates the quantity in the Grower Harvest table (F40G03) only for harvest operations at a status beyond Draft. The completed quantity represents the total of all scheduled quantities on harvest operations for a specific harvest with a status of Closed. You can review scheduled harvest quantities using the Harvest Workbench program (P40G032).

When you close the first harvest operation for a harvest, the system automatically creates a purchase order for the harvest, if you have not entered a purchase order. If the harvest is associated with a contract, the system checks contract details before creating the purchase order. The purchase order updates the On Receipt and the On PO fields in the Summary Availability program (P41202). In addition, the system updates the cut date in the Grower Harvest table with operation end date and the Completed Harvest Quantity field with the quantity of the operation. If you schedule the harvest by area, the system performs the conversion from acreage to quantity and uses the calculation result for the update.

You can delete a scheduled harvest if it is at a Draft or Planned status. If you cancel a scheduled harvest operation, the system deducts the scheduled quantity from the total scheduled quantity in the Grower Harvest table. The same thing occurs when you reverse a closed harvest operation. You can change the status and other information using the Speed Actuals program (P31B67), but you cannot set the operation to a Closed status. You can also use the Speed Operation Update program (P31B96) to update harvest operations, including closing them.

From the Harvest Workbench program, you can access the Scheduled Harvest Details program (R40G60) to print a report with harvest operation information, such as planned, and actual dates, harvest quantities, and areas, deliver date, receipt branch and so on.