One View Watchlists for the Farm Manager Persona

The One View Watchlists for the Farm Manager persona are based on queries of the same name in the Operations Search program (P31B94):

  • Active Farm Operations

    The warning threshold is 20 and the critical threshold is 30. You can modify the thresholds.

  • Pending Farm Operations

    The warning threshold is 5 and the critical threshold is 10. You can modify the thresholds.

  • Operations in Error

    The warning threshold is 15 and the critical threshold is 20. You can modify the thresholds.

  • Operations in Warning

    The warning threshold is 15 and the critical threshold is 20. You can modify the thresholds.

Note: All of the One View Watchlists for the Operations Search program can be associated with the roles for both the Farm Manager and Field Manager personas.