
Select the Results tab.

Blend ID Method From

Enter the method that is used to calculate the blend ID for the after from lot. Values are:

Copy after from before.

Do not default after Blend ID.

Generate new Blend ID.

After From Material Type

Enter a specific material type for the After From Lot field. If this field is blank, the system uses lot blending rules to determine the After From Material Type. Material type is used for accounting purposes. This is the hierarchy for populating the material type at the operation level:

  1. Use the user-specified material type on the lot.

  2. Copy the material type from the Before Lot, if it exists.

  3. Use the value from the After From Material Type field on the configured operation.

  4. Use the default from the Material Type field on the harvest record.

After From Wine Status

If using the blend module, enter a specific wine status for the After From Lot. If this field is blank, the system uses lot blending rules to determine the After From wine status.

After To Wine Status

If using the blend module, enter a specific wine status for the After To Lot. If this field is blank, the system uses lot blending rules to determine the After To wine status.

Note: The After From Wine Status and After To Wine Status fields are not used by grower operations.