Understanding Harvest Records

A harvest is a representation of the block for a growing cycle. A harvest may occur multiple times a year, annually, or every few years. Within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Management, a harvest record maintains specific information about the harvest.

Throughout the growing cycle up through the picking of the crop, a several activities, operations, and data collections occur that update the attributes of the harvest record. Typical growing activities include:

  • Farming activities, such as tilling, planting, spraying, irrigating, pruning, and harvesting.

  • Quality or product classification assessment.

  • Crop estimation.

  • Maturity assessment.

  • Growing statistics, such as weather profiles.

You record these activities against one or more harvest records. These activities result in updates to attributes of the crop, or they can be used as a historical analysis to compare different growing techniques. For example, if you enter harvest operations, the harvest record displays the scheduled, completed, received, and remaining quantities for the harvest. If you use maturity date calculations, the system displays the planned and calculated maturity date for the harvest.