
When entering the first operation for a harvest, the system does not perform a validation. When the first operation for a harvest is in the system, any additional operations that are entered or modified are validated against all other operations for that harvest.

This table describes the fields used to activate the validation process, describes the field, and defines the program where the field is located:



Where to Set Up

Validate check box

Use this check box for a withholding code to specify that this operation is validated against other operations, within the same harvest, that have withholding days for the same code. The system validates that the operation's start and end dates do not conflict with the withholding period that is defined for that withholding type code. For instance, by checking the validation check box for the prior activity check box, the system validates all operations that have withholding days defined for the prior activity type.

Select this check box on the configured operation.

Withholding Days

Specify the number of days that are used to calculate the withholding period. The unit of measure (UOM) for withholding days represents a 24-hour period and corresponds to a calendar day.

Enter the withholding days on the farm and spray operations.

Withholding Period

The system calculates this field by adding the operation period to the withholding days. The withholding period starts at midnight (time is 00:00:00) and ends one second before midnight (time 23:59:59) of the last day of the withholding period. For example, if both the operation days and the withholding days equal two, the withholding from date begins at midnight the day that the operation starts and ends at midnight two days after the operation ends. To calculate the prior-activity withholding period, the system back schedules the withholding period from the operation start date.

Enter the withholding days on the farm and spray operations.