Weigh Tags

The weigh tag process begins when the delivery person gives the delivery tag to the scale operator and the operator scans or locates the harvest record in the system. After the scale operator weighs the harvest, the system creates a weigh tag with information from the delivery tag and the weigh-in process.

Two types of weigh tags are available:

  • Speed weigh tags are typically entered by dock workers or others that do not have the authority to change the operation after it is created.

    Users can enter enough data so that when you close the weigh tag, there is enough information to create a purchase order. However, they cannot change the operation after it is created.

  • Heavy weigh tags enable users to change information including item number, quantity, end-use reservation (EUR), lot information, and so forth.

    For each weigh tag, you specify the harvest record to which you are receiving and the quantity you are receiving.