
These processing options control the display of withholding warnings.

Prior Withholding Warning

Indicate whether the Withholding Warning Detail form should automatically be displayed when a prior withholding warning occurs. Values are:

1: Automatically display the warning screen.

Blank: Do not automatically display the warning screen.

When you display the warning screen, the system automatically highlights the Existing Prior Withholding Period and Existing Prior Activity columns.

Reentry Withholding Warning

Indicate whether the Withholding Warning Detail form should automatically be displayed when a reentry withholding warning occurs. Values are:

1: Automatically display the warning screen.

Blank: Do not automatically display the warning screen.

When you display the warning screen, the system automatically highlights the Existing Reentry Withholding Period and Existing Reentry Activity columns.

Subsequent Withholding Warning

Indicate whether the Withholding Warning Detail form should automatically be displayed when a subsequent withholding warning occurs. Values are:

1: Automatically display the warning screen.

Blank: Do not automatically display the warning screen.

When you display the warning screen, the system automatically highlights the Existing Subsequent Withholding Period and Existing Subsequent Activity columns.

Harvest Withholding Warning

Indicate whether the Withholding Warning Detail form should automatically be displayed when a harvest withholding warning occurs. Values are:

1: Automatically display the warning screen.

Blank: Do not automatically display the warning screen.

When you display the warning screen, the system automatically highlights the Existing Harvest Withholding Period and Existing Harvest Activity columns.