Assigning Lot Status Codes

Access the Location Lot Status Update form.

Set up lot status codes to identify the reasons that a lot is on hold. After you set up the codes, you can assign them to items and lots on Item Master Revisions, Work With Item Branch, Lot Master Revisions, and other forms. You cannot process items from lots on hold.

Assign different status codes to a single lot based on the different locations in which the lot resides. ou can assign status codes to locations as well as lots. The system verifies that a lot is on hold before verifying that the location is on hold. The system might process items out of locations on hold, depending on the program in which you are working and the way that processing options are set.

Run the Hold Expired Lots program (R41082) to place expired lots on hold. You can preview a list of all lots that will be placed on hold by running the program in proof mode.

New Lot Status

Enter a code from UDC table (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. If you leave this field blank, it indicates that the lot is approved. All other codes indicate that the lot is on hold.

You can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides on Item/Location Information or Location Lot Status Change forms.