Attaching Messages to Items

Access the Item Master Revisions form.

After you enter basic item information, you can attach predefined messages to an item. Other users can also view or print this messages when working with the item. Item messages are predefined, so you can attach the same message to multiple items.

Print Message

Enter a code from UDC table (40/PM) that represents a predefined message from the Print Message Revisions form. You can print the message on sales orders, purchase orders, and so forth.

Item Flash Message

Enter a code from UDC table (40/FL) that specifies the message the system displays each time that someone works with the item.

When you work with an item that has a flash message, the message appears next to the item number or the system highlights the item number. If the number is highlighted, you can access the message by placing the cursor on the item number and performing the appropriate function called for by the program.