Building Item Word Search Information

Select Periodic Processing (G4120), Item Word Build.

You must run the Item Word Build (R41829) program to create and update the Item Word Search table (F41829). When you search for an item using item word search, the system accesses the Item Word Search table (F41829) for item information. The R41829 program extracts information from these tables:

  • Item Master (F4101)

  • Item Branch File (F4102)

  • Location Master (F4100)

  • Lot Master (F4108)

  • Item Master - Alternative Description (F4101D)

  • Item Cross Reference File (F4104)

You can run the program for the entire item master or by branch/plant. When you run the report by branch/plant, the processing time is significantly reduced.

You can run the Item Word Build program as often as necessary. For example, you might decide to run the program monthly, depending on the number of changes to descriptions because the system does not update the Item Word Search table when you change any of the descriptive (text) information. You can also set a processing option to clear and completely rebuild the Item Word Search table, if appropriate. If you do not clear the table, use data selection to specify the items to update.