Demand Flow®

Select the Demand Flow® tab.

Demand Flow® Product

Select whether an item is an end item for Demand Flow. An item can be added to a mixed model family only if you select this option.

Total Product Cycle Time

Enter a value that represents the calculated work content through the longest path of the process or processes that are required to build a product. The value is in the scenario unit of measure (hours, minutes, seconds, or whatever was used in the scenario).

Primary Line

Enter a number that you have previously set up in the F30006 table to define which product line primarily produces the end item. You can define detailed work center operations within the line or cell.

Explode BOM(explode bill of material)

Select whether the BOM is expanded by one subordinate level. For example, if you select this option at level one, the system displays the children at level two. The children for level two do not appear unless you select this option for level two end items, and so on.

The functionality of this option applies only when the item is a Demand Flow item and you are performing BOM explosion using the Volume Design and Product Synchronization program (PF30L201). Normal BOM explosion remains as it is in base manufacturing.