Entering Cycle Count Results

Access the Cycle Count Entry form.

After you have performed the cycle count and recorded the information on the cycle count sheets, you must enter the results in the online inventory records, even if the result of the count is zero.

If the count included an item that is found in a new location, you can add the new location on a blank line of the Cycle Count Entry form. However, if the Location Control constant is turned on, you must set up the new location in the F4100 table before you can enter the quantity on the Cycle Count Entry form.

When you enter a new location, the system creates an item location record and a variance for the entire quantity and amount after you enter the cycle count results and then run the Cycle Count Update.


Enter the number of units that the system counts in the primary unit of measure.

UM (unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the quantity in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

Total Quantity

Enter the total quantity that is counted for the item in all locations.

Secondary Quantity

If the secondary unit of measure option in Inventory Constants is selected, this field will appear on data entry screens.

Secondary UM (secondary unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates an alternate unit of measure for the item.