Forms Used to Enter Item Master Information

Form Name




Work With Item Master Browse


Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), Item Master

Review items.

Item Master Revisions


On the Work With Item Master Browse form, click Add.

  • Set up item information.

  • Attach messages to items.

  • Assign item responsibility.

  • Enter default units of measure for items.

  • Specify a dual unit of measure for items.

Item Master Alternative Description


On the Work With Item Master Browse form, select Item Alt Desc from the Row menu.

Enter alternate descriptions.

Work With Item Notes


On the Work With Item Master Browse form, select a record, and then select Item Notes from the Row menu.

Review item notes.

Item Notes Revisions


On the Work With Item Notes form, click Add.

Enter notes for items.

Category Codes


On the Work With Item Master Browse form, select Category Codes from the Row menu.

Add classification codes to items.

Work With Item Unit of Measure Conversions


Item Revisions (G4112), Item Master U/M Conversion

Review item unit of measure conversions.

Item Unit of Measure Conversions


On the Work With Item Unit of Measure Conversions form, click Add.

On the Item Master Revisions form, select Conversions from the Form menu.

  • Define item unit of measure conversions.

  • Set up search sequence using price units of measure.

Additional System Information


On the Work With Item Master Browse form, select Add System Info from the Row menu.

Set up manufacturing information.