Item Locations

After you assign an item to a branch/plant, you can indicate multiple locations in which the item resides. For each branch/plant, you assign:

  • A primary location.

    A primary location is required. The system prompts you for the primary location immediately after you assign an item to a branch/plant. The system usually processes an item through its primary location. For example, when you receive an item, the system assigns the item to its primary location unless you specify a secondary location.

  • Multiple secondary locations.

    Secondary locations are optional. You can also assign secondary locations to an item when you enter branch/plant information. The system automatically assigns a secondary location if you enter a location other than the primary location for an item when you receive it.

In addition to assigning locations to an item and branch/plant, you can assign multiple lot numbers to each location. You can enter lot numbers manually when you enter item locations or when you receive the items.

You can change the primary location for an item. However, if any of these soft commitments exist, they need to be cleared before you change the primary location:

  • Quantity Soft Committed (PCOM)

  • Quantity on Backorder (PBCK)

  • Quantity on Purchase Order (PREQ)

  • Other on Work Order Receipt (QWBO)

  • Quantity Other Purchasing 1 (OT1A)

  • Quantity Work Order Soft Commit (FUN1)

  • Secondary Quantity Soft Committed (SCMS)

  • Secondary Quantity on Purchase Order (SREQ)

  • Secondary Quantity on Work Order (SQWO)

To delete a primary location, you must first change it to a secondary location. You cannot delete locations that contain quantities.

See also: (Release 9.2 Update)

If you specify location control on the System Constants form, you can assign an item to only those locations that are set up on the Branch/Plant Location Master form. If you do not specify location control, you can assign an item to any location.

If you use license plate processing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system, you activate functionality at the branch/plant level and can specify whether to automatically create a license plate number for an item or item dimension group in a specific unit of measure.

When you enter a location for an item, the system creates a record in the F41021 table.