Locating On-Hand Quantity Information

Access the Work With Item Ledger form.

On-hand quantity is the number of items that are physically in stock. You can locate on-hand quantity and accounting information for a specific transaction date and document number in the Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) (P4111). The Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) contains transaction history such as sales, receipts, or transfers for each item in the inventory. Each entry represents a transaction that affects the on-hand quantity of an item.

You can review a transaction to determine both item quantities and the related costs in any branch, location, or lot as of a particular date. You can also see any transactions for that item that have taken place as of a specific date and locate information about quantities that are deducted from the on-hand quantity.


Enter a value that represents the available quantity, which might consist of the on-hand balance minus commitments, reservations, and backorders. This is calculated in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).