Location Segment Specification

Select the Location Segment Specification tab.

Blank Location Allowed

Select check box to enable a blank location for this branch/plant.


Enter a code from UDC table (41/ER) that specifies which edit rule the system uses to validate segment 1. Values are:

Blank: The system does not perform any validation.

1: The system uses an address book number for validation.

2: The system uses a UDC for validation.

3: The system uses a numeric range for validation.

4: The system uses an alphanumeric code for validation.

5: The system uses an item number for validation.

Note: You cannot use this rule with location segment specification.

If you want to assign location ownership, you must enter 1 in either the Aisle or Bin field to enable an address book number for that segment.


Enter a code from UDC table (41/ER) that specifies which edit rule the system uses to validate segment 2.

If you want to assign location ownership, you must enter 1 in either the Aisle or Bin field to enable an address book number for that segment.