
1. Issue Type

Specify whether equipment and subledger information appears in the detail area of the Inventory Issues form. Values are:

Blank: Display the standard issue format, without equipment and subledger information fields. The Inventory Issues program disables the Subledger Information selection from the Form menu.

1: Display the Equipment field and hide the Account Number,Subledger, and Subledger Type fields in the detail area. When you select Subledger Information from the Form menu, the Account Information form displays the Equipment field but does not display fields for account number and subledger information.

2: Display the Account Number,Subledger, and Subledger Type fields and hide the Equipment field in the detail area. When you select Subledger Information from the Form menu, the Account Information form displays the fields for account number and subledger information, but does not display the Equipment field.

3: Display the Equipment,Account Number,Subledger, and Subledger Type fields in the detail area. When you select Subledger Information from the Form menu, the Account Information form displays fields for equipment, account number, and subledger information.

Note: If you enter 2 or 3 for this processing option, you can set the Account Number processing option to require entry in the Account Number field on the Inventory Issues form.
2. Account Number

Specify whether the system requires entry of account numbers (for example, business unit.object.subsidiary) in the detail area of the Inventory Issues form. This field is available only when you enter 2 or 3 in the Issue Type processing option. Values are:

Blank: Enable transactions that use the expense account from the inventory default AAI item 4124.

1: Require a value in the Account Number field in the detail area.

3. Cost Entry

Specify whether to display the Unit Cost and Extended Amount fields on the Inventory Issues form. Values are:

Blank: Display the fields.

1: Display the fields with default values from the F4105 table, but do not enable them to be updated.

2: Do not display the fields.

4. Journal Entries

Specify whether detailed or summarized journal entries should be created from the Inventory Issues (P4112) program in the general ledger. Values are:

Blank: Create one journal entry for each detail line in an issue.

1: Create journal entries that are summarized by account number.

If detailed journal entries are created, the system creates one journal entry (debit and credit) for each detail line in an issue, using a batch type of N. This processing option affects journal entries in the F0911 table only. The AAIs that are most commonly used are 4122 (Inventory) and 4124 (Expense or COGS). If you use standard costs, the system might create journal entries for the variance based on AAI item 4141 (Inventory or Expense COGS). The F4111 table contains information for each detail line in each issue regardless of the value of this processing option.

If summarized journal entries by account number are created, the system creates a summarized debit total and a summarized credit total per account number for all lines in an issue.

5. Issue Quantity

Specify whether to allow an issue quantity that is greater than the available quantity, which could result in a negative on-hand quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow.

1: Allow.

Note: You cannot allow a negative on-hand quantity when using weighted average costs.
6. Lots on Hold

Use this processing option to specify whether to allow transfers from and to the lots that are on hold. If the Lot Status Code field on the Item/Branch Plant Information form is blank, the lot is not on hold. Valid values are:

Blank: Do not allow transfers from or to the lots that are on hold.

1:Allow transfers from and to the lots that are on hold.

When NBLOTSTS is set to No or NBLOTSTS is not present in the EnterpriseOne Control System program (P99410), an approved lot or location does not have a status code. All non-blank codes indicate that the lot is on hold or unapproved.

When NBLOTSTS is set to Yes, the lot status is validated by a special handling code in table 41/L. All codes containing the special handling code 1 indicate that the lot is approved. All codes containing special handling codes other than 1 indicate that the lot is on hold or unapproved.

Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to Validate

Lot Group is the name of a user defined list of allowed non-approved lot status codes. Entry of a Lot Group name in the Processing Option will allow this Application to process lots whose lot status code is defined within the specified Lot Group Name.

When NBLOTSTS is set to No or NBLOTSTS is not present in the EnterpriseOne Control System program (P99410), an approved lot or location does not have a status code. All non-blank codes indicate that the lot is on hold or unapproved.

When NBLOTSTS is set to Yes, the lot status is validated by a special handling code in UDC 41/L. All codes containing the special handling code 1 indicate that the lot is approved. All codes containing special handling codes other than 1 indicate that the lot is on hold or unapproved.

7. Item Sales History

Specify whether to update the Item History (F4115) table if you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system and do not use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system. For example, a company that operates a consignment warehouse might use the P4112 program only to reduce inventory. However, the company might want to review historical information about issues by reviewing buyer information, which you can access from the Inventory Inquiries menu (G41112).

If you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, the system can update the F4115 table as a result of sales transactions that are part of the sales updating process. Values are:

Blank: Do not update the fields.

1: Update the Item Number,Branch,Fiscal Year, and Period fields in the F4115 table with information from an issue transaction.

8. Item Sales History

Specify whether to update the Item History table (F4115) if you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system and do not use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system. For example, a company that operates a consignment warehouse might use only the Inventory Issues program to reduce inventory. However, the company might want to review historical information about issues by reviewing buyer's information, which you can access from the Inventory Inquiries menu (G41112).

If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, the system can update the Item History table as a result of sales transactions that are part of the sales updating process. Values are:

1: Update the Item Number, Branch, Fiscal Year, and Period fields in the Item History table with information from an issue transaction.

Blank: Do not update the fields.

9. Production Number On Hand Consumption

Specify how the Inventory Issues program (P4112) selects production number on hand quantity from the Item Location Tag File table (F41021T).

Production number on hand is consumed whenever on hand quantity is not available to continue the transaction.

If you process inventory selection blindly, then the system consumes production number on hand quantity in the following order:

  1. Generic inventory.

  2. Inactive production numbers.

  3. Orphaned production numbers.

  4. Production number with the farthest end item demand date.

If you process inventory selection interactively, then you can select the production number from the options available on the Select Inventory for Consumption form (W42054A). Values are:

Blank: The program performs blind selection of inventory.

1: The program enables interactive selection of inventory.