
1. Enter '1' to select on Quantity Variance (default) or '2' to select on Amount Variance

Specify a value that determines the type of variance the system uses. Values are:

1: Quantity Variance (default)

2: Amount Variance

2. Enter the Relation to use for the variance selection. (Default is greater than)

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/VA) that identifies the relationship between the range of variances that appear.

3. Enter the Quantity or Amount to use to compare with the variance for selection.

Specify a value that determines the quantity or amount to use to compare with the variance for selection.

4. Enter '1' to compare the Percent Variance or '2' to compare the Unit Variance (default).

Specify a value that determines the type of variance to compare. Values are:

1: Percent Variance

2: Unit Variance (default)