Reviewing Cycle Count Variances

Access the Work With Cycle Count Detail form.

After you enter the results of the cycle count, the system automatically calculates variances. A variance is the difference between the on-hand quantity and the counted quantity. Variance information can help you resolve discrepancies online. The system records variances to the F41021, F4111, and F0911 tables when the system updates the count.

On the Work with Cycle Count Detail form, you can review this information for each item:

  • On-hand quantity

  • Counted quantity

  • Variance

To help you resolve discrepancies, you can print the Print Variance Detail report to list the variances between the results of the cycle count and the inventory records. You can access this report from either the Form menu or directly from the Inventory Count Alternatives menu. When you run this report from the Form menu, the system uses the variance criteria that are set up on the form and overrides any processing option defaults. When you run the report from the Inventory Count Alternatives menu, the system uses the processing options for the version.

Quantity Variance and Amount Variance

Enter the variance type that determines whether a quantity or an amount variance is calculated and displayed.


Enter a number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a minus sign (–) either before or after the amount.

Absolute Value

Specify whether a variance amount appears when it is greater than an absolute value or greater than a percentage of the original.


Specify whether a variance amount appears when it is greater than an absolute value or greater than a percentage of the original.


Enter a code from UDC table (00/VA) that indicates the relationship between the ranges of variances that you display. Values are:

EQ: Equal to

LT: Less than

LE: Less than or equal to

GT: Greater than

GE: Greater than or equal to