Reviewing Detailed Quantity Information

Access the Detail Availability form.

SO/WO Soft Commit (sales order/work order soft commitment)

Enter the number of units that are soft committed to sales orders or work orders in the primary units of measure.

SO Hard Commit (sales order hard commitment)

Enter the number of units that are committed to a specific location and lot.

Future Commit

Enter the quantity on sales order for which the requested shipment date is beyond the standard commitment period that has been specified in the branch/plant constants for that branch. As an example, if you normally ship most orders within 90 days, then an order for an item with a requested ship date a year from now would have its quantity reflected in this field.


Enter the number of units that are back ordered in primary units of measure.

WO Hard Commit (work order hard commitment)

Enter the number of units hard committed to work orders in the primary unit of measure.

On SO Other 1

Enter the first of two quantities that can be specified as additional offsets (subtractions from on-hand) in the determination of quantities that are available for sale (primary unit of measure).

On SO Other 2

Enter the second of two quantities that can be specified as additional offsets (subtractions from on-hand) in the determination of quantities that are available for sale (primary unit of measure).

On PO (on purchase order)

Enter the number of units that are specified on the purchase order in primary units of measure.

On PO Other 1

Enter the quantity that appears on documents such as bid requests, which are not formal commitments to buy on the part of the organization.

In Transit

Enter the quantity that is currently in transit from the supplier.

In Inspection

Enter the quantity that is currently being inspected. This quantity is received, but is not considered on hand.

In Operation 1 and In Operation 2

Enter the quantities that are currently at a user-defined operation within the dock-to-stock process. The quantity is received, but may or may not be considered to be on hand.