Reviewing Segmented Item Availability

Access the Work With Segmented Item Availability form.

You can view item availability from the Work With Segmented Item Availability form:

  • Select Item Availability from the Row menu to access the Work With Item Availability form, which displays the item availability by segment with access to Item Availability.

  • Shipping availability

    Select Shipping Avail. (shipping availability) from the Row menu to access the Work With Shipping Availability form, which displays the unit of measure structure for the warehouse and the quantity that you have available to ship for each unit of measure.

If you have many different segmented items with different templates, you might want to set up different versions of the Segmented Item Availability program (P41206) with a different template identified in each version. You can set the processing options in the Item Master program (P4101) to use a default template. You can also override the default template.

If you leave the On Hand Primary U/M field blank, the system selects the primary unit of measure for the first item found.