Reviewing the Customer/Distributor Balance Report

Select Container Management (G4118), Customer Distributor Balance.

The Customer/Distributor Balance report (R41182) reads the Container Deposit and Container Transaction tables and prints a report of the customer's or distributor's deposits and container transactions for a given period. The report includes the deposit balance for the customer or distributor and the deposit and refund amounts by layer. You can use the R41182 report as a statement of account activity to send to the customer or distributor.

You can run this program in proof or final mode. When you run it in final mode, the program updates the Container Deposit and Container Transaction tables.

The program prints transaction level or summary level invoice statements, depending on how you set up the preferences for the customer. The transaction level invoice statement displays the deposit charge or refund sales order lines for each container transaction recorded for the customer. The summary level invoice statement summarizes all transactions over a specified period for a single combination of branch/plant, customer, and item.