Reviewing the Inventory Turn Report

Select Inventory Reports menu (G41111), Inventory Turn Report.

You can print this report for a cost center, an item, and a date range combination that you specify.

The Inventory Turn Report (R41116):

  • Retrieves records from the F4111 table.

  • Clears the existing workfile, rebuilds it, and accesses records to produce the report.

The system calculates beginning, ending, and average inventory as follows:

  • Beginning inventory is the amount for all transactions prior to the first date that you specified in data selection.

  • Ending inventory is the amount of the beginning inventory plus or minus the amount of the item ledger transactions for the period that you specified in the processing options.

  • Usage is the amount of all the item ledger records that match the transaction family document types that you specify in the processing options for the report.