Reviewing the Repost – Update On Hand Inventory Report (R41995) (Release 9.2 Update)

The Repost On Hand Inventory program (R41995) sums up the transaction quantities in the Item Ledger table (F4111) or calculates the quantity from both Item Ledger table (F4111) and Item As Of table (F41112) and updates the Item Location Quantity On Hand value (F41021). The purpose of the program is to fix known data corruption in specific Item Location records where the Item Location Quantity On Hand (F41021) value is not correct and does not match the sum of transaction quantities in the Item Ledger table(F4111) or Item As Of table (F41112) or both. This is not a job that should be put in the JDE Scheduler and run on a regular interval to process a large number of records. The data selection should be restricted to repost only Item Location records known to be inaccurate. See Prerequisites.

When you run the Repost-Update On Hand Inventory program in final mode, for every item in the data selection a record with zero quantity is inserted into the Item Ledger table (F4111) with a hard coded document type I6 and a unique key ID along with updated audit fields. The Transaction Explanation column of the Item Ledger table is populated with the quantity adjusted in the Item Location file (F41021).

You can run this program in proof or final mode. The generated report lists Quantity Before Update, Quantity After Update, Quantity Adjustment and Unit of Measure information about the items in a specific Branch, Lot, and Location.
Note: The Item/Branch Net Change flag is not updated by this program. Therefore, you either need to manually update it or run a gross regeneration to get correct requirements planning results. See Requirements Planning Implementation Guide.