Running the Cycle Count Update Program

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle Count Update.

After the cycle count has been entered, reviewed, and approved, run the Cycle Count Update program (R41413) to update ledgers and balances. This program records variances to the F4111, F0911, and F41021 tables.

Use data selection to specify the cycle count number for the update. Cycle counts must have a cycle count status of Approved to be updated. After a successful update, the Cycle Count Update program updates the cycle count status to Complete. The program does not generate an error log if the update is not successful. In the case of an unsuccessful update, the cycle count status remains at Approved.

The program updates the next count date field in the Item Location File table in preparation for the next cycle count. A processing option determines the method that the program uses. These are the available methods:

  • The cycle count category codes in UDC table (41/8) define the frequency and number of days for cycle counts.

    To use this method, the cycle count code that applies must be entered in the F4101 and F4102 tables.

    For example, if you enter 1 in the Next Count Date processing option on the Defaults tab and the item has QTR stored in the Cycle Count Category field, the system calculates the next count date from the current date using the number of days (91) in the Description 02 field for QTR.

  • If you leave Next Count Date processing option on the Defaults tab blank, the ABC Codes method correlates the ABC Code 1-Sales-Inventory ranking for the item with UDC table (41/NC) to determine the next count date.

You can review this date in the Next Count Date field on the Location Revisions form, and you can specify the field as data selection in the Select Items for Count program.