
1. Additional Style Item Information

Specify whether the system displays the Additional Style Item Information form (WCW45A) when you add or change information on the Item Master Revisions form for a style item. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the form.

1: Display the form.

2. Composition

Specify whether the system displays the Work With Composition form (WCW44A) when you add or modify style item information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the form.

1: Display the form.

3. Structure Definition

Specify whether the system displays the Item Structure Definition form (WCW02C) when you add information on the Item Master Revisions form (W4101A) for a style item. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the Item Structure Definition form.

1: Display the Item Structure Definition form.