System Calculations for Supply-and-Demand Quantities

The system uses supply-and-demand inclusion rules to calculate the supply-and-demand quantities for an item. A manufacturing environment uses work orders to create a supply of parts or materials, whereas a maintenance environment uses work orders to create a demand for parts.



Sources of supply

Starting with the requested date on purchase orders, the system calculates the supply quantity from these sources:

  • On-hand inventory, where the supply quantity is the quantity on hand less hard commitments and quantities on sales and work orders.

  • Purchase orders, where the supply quantity is the quantity entered on purchase orders.

  • Manufacturing work orders, where the supply quantity is the quantity entered on a work order less the quantity shipped.

Sources of demand

Starting with the requested date on sales orders, the system calculates the demand quantity from these sources:

  • Sales orders, where the demand quantity is the quantity entered on sales orders less the quantity shipped and the quantity canceled.

  • Safety stock, where the demand quantity is any quantity reserved as protection against fluctuations in demand and supply.

  • Work order requirements and parts lists, where the demand quantity for sources such as the quantity required less the quantity issued.