Types of Quantities

This table lists the types of quantities:




The number of items that you can use based on user-defined calculations. You determine how the system calculates item availability by defining the factors that subtract from or add to the available quantity of an item. This calculation can include quantities that do not immediately affect on-hand amounts.

For example, you can set up the availability calculation to subtract any quantities that are committed to sales or work orders and add any quantities that are on purchase orders or in transit.


The number of items (expressed in the primary unit of measure) that are physically in stock. The on-hand quantity of items is affected by:

  • Variances that are recorded after a physical inventory.

  • Daily removals, additions, or transfers of items.

  • Shipment confirmations or updated sales information.

  • Locations with lots on hold, such as items requiring inspection or placed in quarantine.

Available to promise (ATP)

The number of items that are uncommitted (available for sales or distribution) until the next replenishment orders arrive.

You select whether to use the basic method or the cumulative method to determine ATP.

The basic method assumes:

  • Customer demand only, such as sales orders.

  • Demand for all periods until the next replenishment order arrives, such as purchase orders.

  • Complete consumption of existing quantities during the current period, resulting in no carry-over quantities for the next period.

When you use the cumulative method, which provides a running total, the system:

  • Does not assume consumption within the current period.

  • Does not enable a negative ATP within a period but does enable a negative cumulative ATP.

Other Quantity 1 and 2

When you commit inventory for other quantities, the system assigns inventory to different types of sales and procurement documents, such as quote and blanket orders, that do not affect availability.