Understanding Default Location Information Setup

A default location is the branch/plant that is assigned to the user ID or terminal ID. When you set up default location information, you assign a branch/plant and print queue to a terminal that the system uses every time you sign in. If the system uses a default location, it automatically displays the branch/plant. In addition to setting up a default branch/plant for each user who works for the organization, you can also set up a default branch/plant for each supplier and customer who uses the self-service web site to enter and review information about orders, quotes, inventory, and so on. If no branch/plant is assigned to a user ID or terminal ID, then the user must enter a branch/plant manually. When you set up a default branch/plant, you also can define an approval route code if you use approval routing for purchase orders.

A default print queue is the location where the system sends certain types of documents. You can assign a default print queue so that for each time that you print, the system sends the document to the default print queue. If you have not assigned a default print queue, the system first accesses the print queues that were assigned in the version list, and then accesses the print queue that is assigned to the user profile.

Print programs that you have automatically defined access the Default Print Queues table (F40096). To display other print programs, you must set them up as UDCs and modify them to access the F40096 table.