Allowing Inventory Locations to be Put on Hold

Availability and movement of inventory in or out of a location can be controlled by the Location Hold field in the Location Master. The Location Hold field defines what kind of transactions are allowed and takes precedence over the Lot Status in the Item Location table.

When a location hold code is assigned to a location, the location hold-code status is validated by the special handling code in UDC table 41/LS. The system allows or prevents transactions to the location based on the special handling code.

You can set up special handling codes and assign these hold codes to locations in the Location Master. The Location Status Codes UDC (41/LS) special handling code values are:

Special Handling Code Description
Blank Allow incoming and outgoing transactions.
1 Allow only incoming transactions
2 Allow only outgoing transactions
3 Do not allow incoming and outgoing transactions
4 Allow incoming transactions and movement within the inventory
Note: A non-blank hold code with a blank special handling code is considered as an unrestricted location status, while a blank hold code, regardless of the special handling code, is also considered an unrestricted location status.