Updating Balance Forward Records for Inactivity in the Fiscal Year

To include items with no transactions in the current fiscal year in the balance forward records, select As Of Processing (G4122), As Of Updating.

The Item Ledger As Of Record Generation (R41542) program creates records in the Item ASOF File only when a record exists in the Item Ledger table. If no transaction occurs during the year for an item, the system does not create a record in the F4111 table. Therefore, the system does not subsequently create a record in the F41112 table.

To include records of prior year activity, run the As Of Updating (R41548) program after you run the R41542 program. The R41548 program searches for an item record in the Item ASOF File and then determines whether a corresponding record exists for the next year. If a record does not exist for that year, the program inserts a record, carrying forward the cumulative amounts and quantities. The program continues to fill in any gaps until processing is complete for the year that is specified in the processing options.

For example, if the first generation of the F41112 table occurs in 2007 and you specify 2010 in the processing option, the program starts with 2007 balances. If item 1001 had transactions only in 2007, the program creates records for 2008, 2009, and 2010, carrying the 2007 balances forward.