
1. Added Freight Line - Line Type for billable freight Sales Order line

Identify the line type for the addition of the sales order freight line.

2. Added Freight Line Next Status

Enter the override next status for freight lines added to sales orders during the Transportation Confirmation import process. If left blank, the system uses the Order Activity Rules to determine the next status.

3. Bypass Update of Sales Order Next Status

Indicate whether the system bypasses the update of next status for those order lines associated to the order release for which freight lines have been added to the sales order during the Transportation Confirmation import process. Values are:

Blank: Update the Sales Order Next Status.

1: Bypass the update of Sales Order Next Status

4. Override Next Status for Sales Order lines on the Imported Shipment.

Enter the override the next status for those order lines associated to the order release for which freight lines have been added to the sales order during the Transportation Confirmation import process. If left blank, the system uses the Order Activity Rules to determine the value