Releasing Quantity from a Blanket Order Using Kanban Processing

Access the Work With Open Blanket Orders form.

To release quantity from a blanket order using kanban processing:

  1. Select the blanket order from which you want to release the kanban transaction quantity.

  2. Click the Select button.

  3. If you have the option to confirm kanban transactions were activated, select OK on the Confirmation selection form.

  4. Review the purchase order document number and related order document type that the system generated on the Work With Kanban Masters form.

    The system displays only the purchase order document type for blanket order releases in the kanban transaction record. Neither the blanket order document number nor the blanket order document type appears in the kanban transaction record.

    Note: When you are ready to check in the kanban to designate container fulfillment, the process becomes the same as the check-in process for any other supplier (source type 3) kanban. If you have a one-phase kanban, the system performs the purchase order receipt and the inventory transfer when you check in the kanban. If you have a two-phase kanban, you must perform a completion transaction to process the purchase order receipt of the kanban-generated purchase order, and then check in the kanban to initiate the inventory transfer that dispositions the material from the supplying location to the consuming location.