Managing Production Numbers

Access the Production Number Workbench form.

To manage production numbers:

  1. Complete one of the following sets of search criteria:

    • Enter values in the Production Number and Item Number fields as applicable and click Find.

      You can also perform an open search using an asterisk (*).

    • Enter values in the QBE lines for any of the fields in the Production Number Master grid and click Find to search for a specific production number master record.

    The system populates the Production Number Master grid with details related to the production number search. Select a record in the Production Number Master grid to review order and inventory information in the relevant subforms. If the table contains no matching records, then all subforms are empty.

  2. Select a production number in the Production Number Master grid and select an option from the Row menu:

  3. Enter search criteria in the QBE lines of the subforms and click Find to perform a search.

    The system displays related detail records.

  4. Click a link to manage orders and inventory:

  5. Click Close.