Reassigning Production Numbers

Access the Production Number Reassignment form.

To reassign production numbers:

  1. Complete one of the following sets of search criteria:

    • Enter a value in the Item Number field. Then select the Reassign To Production Number option and enter a value in the field or select the Reassign To Generic option as applicable and click Find.

    • Enter values in the QBE lines for any of the fields in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid and click Find.

    The system populates the Production Numbers Without Demand grid with details related to the item number search.

  2. Select a record in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid, and the system populates the relevant subforms with corresponding orders and inventory.

    If the table contains no matching records, then all subforms are empty.

  3. Click Reassign All or select Reassign All from the Row menu to reassign all orders and inventory to a production number or generic.

  4. Select records in the subforms, and click Reassign Selected or select Reassign Selected from the Row menu to reassign selected orders and inventory to a production number or generic.

  5. Alternatively, select records in a subform to reassign production numbers without demand:

    • Available Work Orders

      Select records and click Reassign Work Orders.

    • Available Purchase Orders

      Select records and click Reassign Purchase Orders.

    • Available Inventory

      Select records and click Reassign Inventory.

  6. Click Close.

Reassign From

Displays the production number associated with the supply transaction. The system replaces this production number with the production number in the Reassign To Production Number field when you click the Reassign All, Reassign Selected, Reassign Work Orders, Reassign Purchase Orders, and Reassign Inventory buttons.

Reassign To Production Number

Enter a production number to associate with the supply transaction. The system replaces the production number in the Reassign From field when you click the Reassign All, Reassign Selected, Reassign Work Orders, Reassign Purchase Orders, and Reassign Inventory buttons.

Reassign To Generic

Select to reassign the supply orders and inventory associated with a production number to generic orders and inventory. By reassigning to generic, the system removes the production number from the supply orders and inventory. The orders and inventory become non-production controlled.