Understanding Production Number Management

You use the Production Number Workbench program (P34403) to work with supply and demand for production numbers that are available in the Production Number Master File table (F34401).

You can associate a production number with only one end item, which must be set up as a production controlled item in the Item Master (P4101) and Item Branch (P41026) programs.

The Production Number Workbench form (W34403A) contains the Production Number Master grid and the following subforms:

  • Related Sales Orders (S34403A)

  • Related Forecasts (S34403B)

  • Related Work Orders (S34403C)

  • Related Purchase Orders (S34403D)

  • Related Inventory (S34403E)

Using the Production Number Workbench form, you can search for production numbers in the Production Number Master File table (F34401), review related orders and inventory, edit existing orders, and create new orders.

Query by example (QBE) is enabled in all grids.

You can search by Production Number, Item Number, or both in the header of the Production Number Workbench form. The default value in each field is an asterisk (*) for a complete search of the Production Number Master File table. You can also use the QBEs in the Production Number Master grid. When you click Find, the system populates the Production Number Master grid with values for the selected search criteria.

When you select a record in the Production Number Master grid, the system populates the relevant subforms with corresponding orders. If the table contains no matching records, then all grids are empty.

From the Production Number Master grid on the Production Number Workbench form you can create work orders, create purchase orders, access the Production Number Reassignment program (P344104), and access the Supply and Demand Inquiry program (P4021).

You select the appropriate option on the Row menu. The system displays the corresponding form based on the program version specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program.

When you select the Create WO (create work order) option, the system displays the Work Order Details form based on the version of the Work Order Entry program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. The production number selected in the Production Number Master grid becomes the default production number on the Work Order Details form. When you click OK to create the work order, the system saves the order to the Work Order Master File table (F4801) and returns to the Production Number Workbench form.

When you select the Create PO (create purchase order) option, the system displays the Order Detail form based on the version of the Purchase Orders program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. The production number selected in the Production Number Master grid becomes the default production number on the Order Detail form. When you click OK to create the purchase order, the system saves the order to the Purchase Order Detail File table (F4311) and returns to the Production Number Workbench form.

You create work orders and purchase orders to generate supply for the production controlled items.

When you select the Prod No. Reassignm (production number reassignment) option, the system displays the Production Number Reassignment form based on the version of the Production Number Reassignment program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You can search for production controlled items that do not have associated demand and reassign production numbers.

When you select the Supply/Demand option, the system displays the Work With Supply and Demand form based on the version of the Supply and Demand Inquiry program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You can review supply and demand for specific items.

You use the Related Sales Orders subform to review all sales orders, including canceled orders, associated with a production number. A sales order for a production controlled item is considered as demand. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system allows only one type of top-level demand for production controlled items with an associated production number at any instant in time, either a forecast or a sales order. If a production controlled item has a sales order, then the item with the same production number cannot have a forecast.

Note: The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not support forecast consumption for production controlled items.

When you select a link in the Order Number column in the Related Sales Orders subform, the system calls the version of the Sales Order Entry program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You use the Sales Order Detail Revisions form to review or update the sales order. When you click OK, the system saves the changes to the Sales Order Detail table (F4211) and returns to the Production Number Workbench form.

You use the Related Forecasts subform to review forecasts associated with a production number. When you select a link in the 2nd Item Number column in the Related Forecasts subform, the system calls the version of the Forecast Revisions program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You use the Detail Forecast Revisions form to review or update the forecast. When you click OK, the system saves the changes to the Forecast File table (F3460) and returns to the Production Number Workbench form.

You use the Related Work Orders subform to review all work orders, including completed orders, associated with a production number. When you select a link in the Order Number column in the Related Work Orders subform, the system calls the version of the Work Order Entry program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You use the Work Order Details form to review or update the work order. When you click OK, the system saves the changes to the F4801 table and returns to the Production Number Workbench form.

You use the Related Purchase Orders subform to review all purchase orders, including canceled and received orders, associated with a production number. When you select a link in the Order Number column in the Related Purchase Orders subform, the system calls the version of the Purchase Orders program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You use the Order Detail form to review or update the purchase order. When you click OK, the system saves the changes to the F4311 table and returns to the Production Number Workbench form.

You use the Related Inventory subform to review all inventory, including zero quantities, associated with a production number. The Related Inventory subform shows on-hand inventory, not item availability, for production controlled items. You can also review information related to the lot status and memo lot 1 for the inventory item.

When you select a link in the 2nd Item Number column in the Related Inventory subform, the system calls the version of the Item Availability program specified on the Versions tab of the Production Number Workbench program. You use the Work With Item Availability form to review item availability.