Understanding Sales Order Entry for Production Controlled Items

When a customer wants to purchase items from your organization, you must record the items, quantities, prices, and any additional customer-specific information that is related to the sale. Using the Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 and P42101), you create sales orders to track all of the information that is related to each sale.

See “Entering Sales Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

Along with Sales Order Entry program (P42101), you can use Sales Order Entry program (P4210) to create sales order records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management tables. The two Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 and P42101) work together to process sales order information. Both programs update the same tables in the system. Even if you do not use the P4210 entry program to create and modify sales orders, you must create a version of that program that specifies processing information. You use this version of the P4210 program in the processing options of the P42101 program. When you create and modify sales orders using P42101, the system uses the information in the processing options of P42101, along with the information in the specified version of P4210, to process sales orders.

The production number tracks the demand of production controlled items in sales order detail lines. You enter sales orders for production controlled items using the Sales Order Entry (P4210) and Sales Order Entry (P42101) programs.

A sales order for a production controlled item is considered to be demand. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system allows only one type of top-level demand for production controlled items with an associated production number at any instant in time, either a forecast or a sales order. If a production controlled item has a sales order, then the item with the same production number cannot have a forecast.

Note: The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not support forecast consumption for production controlled items.

When you receive orders for production controlled items, you can allocate inventory to the orders. If no inventory is available, then you can peg an existing forecast to the orders. You create a new sales order with a new production number if no forecast exists for the production controlled item.

A work order may exist on the shop floor based on the forecast of a generic production number. When a customer order is taken, the inventory and production plan is allocated to the order based on the statuses of the work orders. The consumption of generic forecasts enables accurate available to promise (ATP) planning and timely product delivery.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system supports the following types of sales orders for production controlled items:

  • SO (sales order)

  • ST/OT (transfer sale/transfer order)

  • SB (blanket sales order)

  • SQ (sales quote)

  • SI (SK/OK) (interbranch sales) (sales intercompany order/purchase intercompany order)

    Note: You cannot edit the production number when updating an Interbranch order.
  • Sales order with W line type

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Manufacturing also supports configured items, dual items, and kits. When adding or updating an order for a configured parent item, the system provides the production number to the component items' related orders. The system does not provide a production number to kit components. You must manually assign or update these production numbers.

The Production Number field and Query by Example (QBE) line appear in the detail grid on the Customer Service Inquiry and Manage Existing Order forms. The Production number field also appears for the detail lines in the Sales Order Detail Revisions and Edit Sales Order (W42101D) forms.

The production number is not an editable field in an existing sales order detail line. The system maintains a relationship between an item and a production number. You associate one production number to one item in a sales order detail line. A production number is item specific, so you cannot change the production number in an existing sales order detail line, just as you cannot change the item number.

If you want a different production number associated with an item in a sales order detail line, then you must cancel the existing line and enter a new detail line. The production number in the detail line is editable until the line is accepted.

If you have multiple lines in a sales order, then you must cancel all lines before you can create new lines with new production numbers.

You use one of the following methods to associate a production number with a production controlled item in a sales order detail line:

  • Select an existing production number from the Production Number Master File table (F34401) using the Visual Assist button in the Production Number field to access the Production Number Search form (W34401C).

  • Select the Generate Prod No. option from the Row menu on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form to have the system automatically generate a production number.

  • Tab out of a row for a production controlled item to have the system automatically generate a production number if the Production Number Generation processing option on the Production No. tab of the Sales Order Entry program is set to 1.

    The generated production number uses the production number type specified in the Production Number Type processing option on the Production No. tab.

When you automatically generate a production number for a sales order detail line, the system generates a new production number based on next numbers. If branch/plant is defined as a segment in the production number, the system uses the branch/plant from the sales order detail line in the production number generation. If month and year are defined as segments in the production number, the system uses the value from the Date Created field in the Production Number Master program (P34401).

The production number resides in a cache file. You can blank out the Production Number field if you do not want the production number and then go back and generate another production number. When you click OK to accept the sales order, the system creates the production number record in the Production Number Master File table.

The system also stores the production number record, including the sales order number, in the Production Number Master Tag File table (F34401T).

Although you cannot manually enter a production number in a sales order detail line, you can add an ad hoc production number to the Production Number Master File table using the Production Number Master program (P34401). You can then select the ad hoc production number from the Production Number Master File table for use in a sales order detail line.

When you copy sales orders containing production controlled items, the system carries the production number to the copied sales orders.

For example, you have a sales order with four sales order lines that have different production numbers. The four sales order lines have the same date, same item, and same quantity of 25 each. The production number is an attribute of the item, and the combination of item number and production number makes each sales order line unique. Thus, the system creates four work orders, one for each production number.

In another example, you have a sales order with four detail lines that have the same production number. The four sales order lines have the same date, same item, and same quantity of 25 each. The system consolidates the sales order lines and creates one work order for a quantity of 100.

When creating a sales order, the system provides a warning when the order quantity exceeds available quantities. The sales order then contains a line for the item and production number with available quantity and a line for the item and production number with backordered quantity.

You use the Backorder Release program (P42117) to process backorders. The Production number field appears on the Work With Backorders (W42117M) and Release Backorders (W42117I) forms. When you release a back order, the production number carries over to the sales order.

See “Releasing Backorders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

You can release blanket orders using the Sales Blanket Order Release program (P420111) or using the Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 and P42101).

The Production Number field and QBE line appears in the detail grid of the Work With Order Blanket Release form (W420111B). The Production number field also appears on the Blanket Order Revisions form (W420111A), but it is not an editable field. When you release a blanket order, the production number carries over to the sales orders.

See “Releasing Blanket Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system does not support inventory commitments for production controlled items.

Inventory allocation recommendations are based on specific production controlled inventory. The system stores on-hand quantity for production controlled inventory in the Item Location Tag File table (F41021T). When performing inventory transactions, the production number is an attribute of the order.

The calculation of inventory for a generic item is the on-hand quantity in the Item Location File table (F41021) minus the on-hand quantity in the F41021T table.

You use the Supply and Demand Inquiry program (P4021) to review demand, supply, and available quantities for a specific item. The Work With Supply and Demand form does not contain production number information.

The system stores production number information in the following tables:

  • Sales Order Detail File (F4211)

  • Sales Order History File (F42119)

  • S.O. Detail Ledger File (F42199)

  • Batch Receiver File - Order Details (F4011Z)

  • EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound (F47012)

  • EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound (F47132)

The system supports creating and updating sales orders through electronic data interchange (EDI) using the following programs:

  • Inbound EDI Order Inquiry (P47010)

  • EDI Inbound Purchase Order Edit/Create (R47011)

    This program supports only new orders for production controlled items.

  • EDI Inbound Purchase Order Change (R47131)

    This program supports only updated orders for production controlled items.

  • Inbound EDI P.O. Change Inquiry (P47130)